British Seasonal Produce

Fruit Apples - Bramley Blueberries Cobnuts Plums - Damsons, Greengages & Marjorie Raspberries Strawberries
Salad Lollo Rosso Lollo Blonde Oak Leaf Heritage & Cherry Heritage Tomatoes (Isle of Wight) Radicchio Vegetables Beans - Bobby, Broad, Runner & Yellow Broccoli - Purple Sprouting Brussel Sprouts Cabbage - Cavolo Nero & Hispi Carrots - Bunched & Mixed Rainbow Bunched Corn on the Cob
Kale - Green, Purple & Variegated
Pak Choi
Potatoes - New Norfolk Maris Peer & Yukon Gold
Rainbow Chard
Squash - Acorn, Crown Prince, Gem, Mixed, Onion & Spaghetti
Check out the suppliers on the FOODCHAIN APP today